Fresno Bully Rescue: Ranger

by Terese Shaw

Terese Shaw is an FBR Adoptions Coordinator for Fresno Bully Rescue. FBR shares their animal rescue adventures with us every other month either in Kings River Life or here on KRL News.

dog rescue
In rescue, a lot of agonizing and difficult decisions need to be made. Some of those are about the physical health of the animals in our care, but one of the hardest kinds of decisions we make is for the mental/emotional well-being of our dogs. This is front and center when FBR takes in dogs that are bonded to each other and rely on each other for support and stability in new environments. With the majority of adoptive families open to only one new family member, what do we do with two dogs that are so bonded? Do we keep them together knowing that that will probably keep them in a shelter environment longer and away from forever, loving homes? Or do we separate them to give them a better opportunity? This is a decision we have faced over the years, most recently with two amazing dogs named Walker and Ranger.

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Walker and Ranger came to FBR as a bonded pair who loved each other’s company and looked to each other for support. Then came the day when an amazing family chose Walker to take home. Walker would have not only a canine sister but loving parents and three wonderful children. They would grow up with him, love him and share that most special relationship between children and their pets. As we have successfully done in the past, we agreed to separate Walker and Ranger and give Walker the opportunity at a permanent, stable, loving home. Walker is now thriving and living his best life with this caring, active family. Ranger is still at Fresno Bully Rescue waiting for his opportunity.

While Ranger is with us, we are introducing him to new canine friends and are doing the best we can to provide him with all of the love, structure, and guidance he needs. In doing this, he has gained the confidence to live a wonderful life either alone or with another partner. Ranger continues to stand on his own four paws and has learned to relax and be his own dog. Knowing that you have made the decision to separate two bonded dogs is a difficult one, but in the world of rescue and adoption, very necessary. Dogs are astonishingly resilient and their huge hearts have room for so many. We are very happy for Walker and his new family, and are hopeful for Ranger and the new opportunities that are open for him.

To learn more about FBR, check out Fresno Bully Rescue's website.

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