Feral Paws Rescue: Ellie & Cinderella

by Paula Hunsaker

Feral Paws Rescue Group in Fresno shares with us some of their animal rescue adventures every month. Check out KRL's article about Feral Paws to learn more about them.

About seven months ago, our rescue was contacted by a woman who wanted to know about surrendering three Persian cats that belonged to her grandmother, who is soon going to be over 100 years old. Due to her age and declining memory, she had been placed in a medical facility for long-term care.

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The granddaughter explained that she didn’t want to take the cats to a kill shelter, because these were her grandma’s babies. The granddaughter went on to explain that she wasn’t really a cat person and had several dogs that wouldn’t get along with the cats in their home. She stated that she had no choice but to keep them in kennels in her garage until she could find a no-kill rescue to take them. Of the three cats, two were very bonded. She also mentioned that her grandma had the cats since they were kittens. While at the granddaughter’s home, one of the dogs scratched Ellie’s eye and she lost her sight in that eye. There hasn’t been an issue with her getting around.

Our rescue did take in the three Persian cats. Ellie had been with the owner longer than the other two Persians. At one time Ellie was an only cat. Ellie was two years old. When Ellie came into our rescue, we found out very fast that she wanted to be rocked to sleep every night prior to going to bed, and when she wanted to eat, she would stand on her back legs as a dog would, waving her paws at you until she got something. When you bring out a hairbrush, Ellie stands on her back legs again until you stop and brush her.

Cinderella is a white Persian about seven months old, and was much more independent than Ellie at the start. Now that Cinderella has been watching Ellie for a while, she has picked up on her ways. These two girls have just stolen every heart at our rescue. Now when I go outside, they stand by the door and cry, waiting for me to return. When I come back, they show me that they are mad at me, and will turn their backs until they get over it. Ellie and Cinderella are very bonded. So, they will be forever cats at our rescue.

There was also Joey, the third white Persian, Cinderella’s brother. Joey wasn’t bonded with either Ellie or Cinderella. And so he was adopted by a Doctor of Psychology, who just loves him being a part of their family.

In our rescue so many kitties come into our lives and move on to forever homes. But they all leave a paw print in our hearts. This is the reward of a rescue.

Happy Holidays from all of us at Feral Paws Rescue Group in Fresno, CA.

Check out more animal rescue stories in our Pet Perspective section on Kings River Life, and the Pets section here on KRL News & Reviews. Check back every month for another animal rescue adventure from Feral Paws. Advertise in KRL and 10% of your advertising fees can go to a local animal rescue. Learn more about Feral Paws on their website.

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