Rattie Ratz: Lula & Dora

by Alyssa Nader

Lulu & Dora in their tiki bar
Alyssa Nader is a volunteer with Rattie Ratz Rescue in the bay area of California. Each month KRL will be featuring at least one animal rescue adventure story, and every other month there will be one from Rattie Ratz.

Skye was going through a tough breakup when their friend brought a surprise to cheer them up. It was her two adorable pet rats! As a child, Skye had an experience with a dog that left them fearful of pets, despite their love for animals. Experiencing their friend’s rats showed them that these animals could be gentle, loving, and fun; Skye could see themselves taking care of them.

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Skye and their roommate Olive spent about a month researching rat ownership and learning as much as they could to help in their decision, including reaching out to Rattie Ratz for support. They talked to the friend who introduced them to their rats and learned that she knew of rats who needed rehoming: two very sweet and cute blonde girls who would otherwise be snake food.
Lulu & Dora on the couch

Skye and Olive picked up their new babies. Skye named Lulu after her baby blanket since she was soft and cuddly. Olive named Dora after Dora the Explorer, since she was friendly and liked to explore. To make them more “fancy” they gave them full names as well: Tulula and Isadora!

As they got to know each other better, Skye and Olive really saw Lulu and Dora’s personalities shine through. Despite her cuddly-inspired name, Lulu didn’t turn out to be as into cuddling as Dora. She prefers riding on Skye’s shoulder. Dora likes to be held and shows more interest in people when she plays. She also loves to steal food from Lulu. All rats know that the tastiest bite of food is always the one you steal from another rat!
Kisses from Dora

Skye loved getting to know the girls by playing with them in their room. They would tap on the floor and the girls would come running and jump up on them. Both girls are extremely energetic, playful, curious, and FAST. It’s a miracle to get even a blurred photo as they dart and hop around. They’re climbing is incredible and they certainly love to get into trouble.

When asked about what it brought to their life to have rats, Skye said “I saw on a podcast that not all dogs think of their owners as their parents. I think it’s like that with Lulu and Dora, maybe they think I’m the one who needs taken care of.”

Skye also said that having rats gives them something to love that helped them come out of a tough time, and that caring for the rats and being responsible to them helps them be responsible and caring in all areas of life Rattie Ratz is an all-volunteer organization whose mission is to help all domesticated ratties who come to us find a loving, forever home.

Rattie Ratz: Rescue, Resource, & Referral
Click here to email us at: info@rattieratz[dot]com
Call us at: (415) 340-1896
All photos provided by Rattie Ratz.

If you would like to know more about Rattie Ratz Rescue or find out about upcoming information/adoption events, please visit our Facebook or Instagram. If you are interested in adoptable rats or volunteering for Rattie Ratz Rescue, visit our website.

Check out more animal rescue stories in our Pet Perspective section on Kings River Life, and the Pets section here on KRL News & Reviews. Check back every month for another animal rescue adventure from Rattie Ratz. Advertise in KRL and 10% of your advertising fees can go to Rattie Ratz.

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