Barb Hendee’s "The Hunters’ Girl": A Promising Start

by Sharon Tucker

Details at the end of this post on to enter to win a copy of the book and a link to purchase it.

"Individually, we are one drop. Together, we are an ocean." –Ryunosuke Satoro

First novels in a series are often such a treat. The set-up is exciting and meeting the main characters on the path to who they will become as we read. Seeing a new world built is such a pleasure. Since I’ve read and have enjoyed books by Barb Hendee in the past, it was great to know she had yet another series going (and I have yet to read some of those already out there) The Hunters’ Girl (2020).

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Enter Cooper Reyes and Lee Nevada of Permanent Solutions Unnatural, bounty hunters who investigate incidents that defy rational explanation. At $2500 a day (and rarely does it take more than one day to take care of business), their job frequency may be irregular but they more than earn their fee as we shall see. By way of introduction, Cooper has American Indian ancestry by way of Washington state, and Lee is a Georgia native and Afghan war veteran who much prefers the weather of the Northwest in Quinault, Washington, where they are based. As the story begins, Cooper and Lee have a new job booked through their website that takes them to Idaho to discover what’s behind pet deaths and poltergeist activity in a home being remodeled by a distraught couple; they cannot live there due to extreme paranormal activity.

The above case and its satisfactory conclusion are the introduction to how Reyes and Nevada investigate and facilitate the paranormal, proving to their frightened but slightly disbelieving clients that they are legitimate and adeptly disposing of their troubles. But the next case in Mason Orgon turns out to be a call back from the town’s sheriff, someone who knows how effective their work is. The call is not to finish an incomplete case but to investigate missing persons, mangled bodies drained of blood, and we know what that probably means.

What happens next is that Reyes and Nevada bring their different but compatible talents and work styles together to clear out the nest—and Hendee’s take on the breed is good reading as is the action of the takedown. Their only unexpected encounter is a young woman, daughter of one of those turned but not turned herself. Saving her is well and good, so if she becomes part of their team, the why of it will prove to be intriguing. Permanent Solutions Unnatural is strong as it is, but it could use an added dimension.

Since I’ve only read Hendee’s high, dark fantasy books, the start of the Hunters series was a new experience for me. I was reminded a bit of the TV series Supernatural, but only in that a team of two brothers set out to conquer supernatural forces. Coop and Lee are not brothers, but rather comrades in arms, so the addition of Beth puts a different spin on how the story evolves. It works so well that I’m sure you will anticipate the next volume in the series as much as I do.

To enter to win a copy of The Hunters' Girl, simply email KRL at krlcontests@gmail[dot]com by replacing the [dot] with a period, and with the subject line "girl,” or comment on this article. A winner will be chosen August 22, 2020. You must be at least 18 to enter. If entering via email please include your mailing address in case you win. You can read our privacy statement here if you like.

You can find more fantasy reviews in out Fantasy and Fangs section on KRL and the fantasy category here on KRL News and Reviews.

You can use these links to purchase the book. If you have adblocker on you may not be able to see the Amazon link:

Sharon Tucker is former faculty at the University of Memphis in Memphis TN, and now enjoys evening supervising in that campus library. Having forsworn TV except for online viewing and her own movies, she reads an average of 3 to 4 books per week and has her first novel---a mystery, of course---well underway.

Disclosure: This post contains links to an affiliate program, for which we receive a few cents if you make purchases. KRL also receives free copies of most of the books that it reviews, that are provided in exchange for an honest review of the book.


  1. Not my usual reading material, but I'll give it a shot!

  2. This sounds interesting.

  3. I'm always looking for new series to read and Supernatural is one of my favorite show! This sounds like my kind of read. tWarner419(at)aol(dot)com


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