"Buttercream Betrayal" By Kim Davis: Review/Giveaway

Review by Kathleen Costa     

Details at the end of this post on how to enter to win a copy of the book and a link to purchase it.

Cupcakes, Puzzles, & Felonies! Emory Martinez essentially left the “9 to 5” rat race, although she still dabbles as an accountant for David Skyler, to put her creative efforts into creating unique, if not liquored, cupcake flavors helping to boost her older, “only by a few minutes,” sister Carrie Berger’s party planning and catering business’s reputation. She is also a companion and cook for Skyler’s octogenarian mother Tillie with whom she shares secrets, gossip, a living space, her grandson Brian, and not to mention some covert investigating. Emory recently discovered a previously unknown familial link, a half-sister Vannie Crawford with whom she has a budding friendship. It’s a life of the sweet with good friends, endearing family, and a successful career, but in contrast, the bitter has her discovering or being implicated in too many suspicious deaths. “Amateur detective” may be a good ice breaker at a party, but it’s also dangerous.

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Buttercream Betrayal Earns 5/5 Doggy Biscuits…Karmic Cozy Gem!

Not every party goes smoothly. Case in Point: at the doggie obedience school graduation ceremony, Emory’s fur-friends, Missy and Piper, get overly excited, forget all their dog training, race out to play, jump into the condo’s community pool, and cause a prize winning apple pie to crash to the floor. Eloise Parker is furious to see her blue ribbon dessert smeared all over, and as the president of the condo association, she pulls rank and insists Em’s group leaves the facility immediately. The condo V.P., had arranged the gathering and tries to smooth the ruffled feathers, but she’s obviously threatened by Eloise’s demanding manner. However, when Vannie, Emory’s half sister, mentions posting a 1-star rating for the obedient school, owned by Eloise’s son Shawn, attitudes suddenly change.

The rest of the afternoon is awkward, as many disgruntled, yet obviously intimidated, guests have their own stories about Eloise, Shawn, and his obedience school. They agree the training was more military boot camp than positive reinforcement, and each condo resident speaks of being coerced into adopting one of Shawn’s dog, at a premium price, along with participating in obedience lessons. Several complain that their little love one is not what was promised or has serious health issues. The insights get worse with rumors about Shawn’s involvement in multiple illegal, if not egregious, activities, but somehow he escaped going to prison. So, why is it Eloise who Emory finds dead, smeared with her buttercream, in a room set up to explode? And later, karma rears it’s head with a second murder making the situation more complex.

Deliciously Fun! Kim Davis sure did sweeten up this fifth book in her Cupcake Caterer Mystery with talk of buttercream, apples, chai tea, and sweet karmic justice. She powerfully addresses the seriousness of “puppy mills” and animal abuse with realistic incidents and some entertaining comeuppances and creative entanglements for Emory and her friends and family. Greed. Abuse. Revenge. But, even though peril is inevitable, Emory makes a shocking revelation! Whew! Davis’s writing is very entertaining, seamlessly incorporating descriptions of what characters are wearing, their residences, techniques for making various cupcake designs along with lots of food talk including the ups and downs of catering and how to remedy a hot jalapeño, but you never lose track of the multiple murder mystery. Clues are revealed, suspects are scrutinized, covert actions are planned, and theories of who is guilty and why is all the frosting on the “cup”cake! Definitely a favorite series!

The Cupcake Caterer mystery characters, reoccurring and just for book five, offer realistic relationships endearing to follow and easily identifiable for readers whose families include multi-generations with fulls, halves, and twin siblings, and friends as good as family. The romance between Emory and Brian is “comfortable,” yet neither seem eager to go anywhere too fast. Emory is reticent about the next level due to her heart bruised by an ex-husband’s antics. But, the is hope on the horizon!

Recipes, too! Enjoy Kim’s easy-to-follow recipes that were key in the food talk and illustrate well the adage “An Apple a Day…” keeps something at bay: Golden Apple Cocktail Cupcakes and Golden Apple Cocktail, Apple Pie-Filled Cupcakes, Apple Oatmeal Cookies, Caramel Apple Pie Bars, Maple-Glazed Apple Blondies, Cinnamon-Apple Fritter Bread, Apple Bundt Cake, Cinnamon-Apple Coffee Cake with Streusel, Salted-Caramel Cookies, Slow-Cooker Apple Cider Meatballs, Apple Sausage Tortellini, and for the pup, Apple-Pumpkin Dog Treats.

Cupcake Catering Mysteries:

Sprinkles of Suspicion (2020) KRL Review HERE

Cake-Popped Off (2020) KRL Review HERE

Framed and Frosted (2021) KRL Review HERE

Frosted Yuletide Murder (2021) KRL Review HERE

Buttercream Betrayal (2022)

Be a Big Kim Davis Fan!

For me, Kim Davis, aka K.A. Davis, is a favorite book reviewer and blogger at Cinnamon, Sugar and a Little Bit of Murder, but she has taken some of her creativity and became a writer. In 2017, she wrote the suspense thriller A Game of Deceit (reviewed HERE) to rave reviews, in 2020, she introduced the now very popular four-book cozy Cupcake Catering Mystery series, and this year, she’s hit big by introducing a new heroine Cassie Carmichael in Aromatherapy Apothecary Mystery with Essential of Murder (Reviewed HERE).

Facebook Like Kim Davis, Author

On the Web: Kim Davis, Author

Facebook Blog Site, too Cinnamon Sugar and a Little Bit of Murder

On the Web Blog – Cinnamon, Sugar and a Little Bit of Murder

To enter to win either an ebook for print copy of Buttercream Betrayal (winner's choice-Print copy is US only), simply email KRL at krlcontests@gmail[dot]com by replacing the [dot] with a period, and with the subject line "betrayal,” or comment on this article. A winner will be chosen October 1, 2022. You must be 18 or older to enter. If entering via email please include your mailing address in case you win. If entering via comment please include your email address so we can contact you. BE SURE TO STATE IF YOU WANT PRINT OR EBOOK. You can read our privacy statement here if you like.

Check out other mystery articles, reviews, book giveaways & mystery short stories in our mystery section in Kings River Life and in our mystery category here on KRL News & Reviews. And join our mystery Facebook group to keep up with everything mystery we post, and have a chance at some extra giveaways. And check out our new mystery podcast which features mystery short stories and first chapters read by local actors! A new episode went up last week.

You can use this link to purchase the book or click here. If you have adblocker on you may not be able to see the Amazon link:

Kathleen Costa is a long-time resident of the Central Valley, and although born in Idaho, she considers herself a “California Girl.” Graduating from CSU-Sacramento, she is a 35+ year veteran teacher having taught in grades 1-8 in schools from Sacramento to Los Angeles to Stockton to Lodi. Currently Kathleen is enjoying her retirement revitalizing hobbies along with exploring writing, reading for pleasure, and spending 24/7 with her husband.
Disclosure: This post contains links to an affiliate program, for which we receive a few cents if you make purchases. KRL also receives free copies of most of the books that it reviews, that are provided in exchange for an honest review of the book.


  1. Congratulations on the new book! I love the cover and the story sounds really good. I would love to win a print copy, please. ckmbeg (at) gmail (dot) com

  2. the pups on the cover look like my
    neighbor's pup. Cute cover. Sounds
    like a great story too. thanks

  3. I love this series and there's tons of awesome recipes! Definitely recommend. I'd love to win a print copy.

  4. Great cover. Can't wait to read. I prefer a print copy.

  5. I'd love to get a print copy@ tWarner419@aol.com

  6. Thanks so much for hosting Buttercream Betrayal! I truly appreciate your wonderful review and the opportunity to introduce my cast of characters to your readers!

  7. Love a chance to win this book it looks like a terrific read. Thanks for your great generosity. Linda May. Maycarlson6848@gmail.com

  8. I love this series and all the recipes for yummy cupcakes. I prefer a print copy if chosen. 3labsmom(at)gmail(dot)com

  9. Buttercream betrayal sounds like a fun and beguiling mystery read!

    allibrary (at) aol (dot) com

  10. Would ove a print copy of this book! quackers502000@yahoo.com

  11. We have a winner!
    Lorie Ham


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