"Forget Me Never" By Susan Wittig Albert: Review/Giveaway

Review by Sandra Murphy

Details at the end of this post on how to enter to win a copy of the book and a link to purchase it.

Olivia went out for her morning run—and never came back, thanks to a hit and run driver. It was speculated that the driver panicked and left the scene, or maybe thought he’d hit a deer and didn’t stop. After all, it was still dark, and Olivia was running with traffic instead of against it and on a narrow stretch of road. Her death was ruled an accident.

A former lawyer, China Bayles, now owns the local herb shop. She’s married to Mike who is a private investigator. Sometimes, before Mike and since, China gets involved in solving crimes too. Her best friend, Ruby, owns The Crystal Cave which adjoins the herb shop

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Image Source Persevero Press
With a full schedule for special events plus her usual herbal upkeep, China doesn’t have time to spare. However, when Olivia’s sister, Zelda, drops by, referred by a lawyer China knows well, she makes time to listen. Zelda says Olivia was murdered. Despite her time crunch, China agrees to look into Olivia’s death.

Olivia was a writer. Some of the stories she wrote got her into trouble since she tended to speculate more than was allowed. Still, the current story is about a crime in the past—but connected to the present. China’s not sure she’s on the right track to solve the crime until another death occurs. Can she follow a string of deaths from the past to the present without being added to the list?

China seldom finds herself in dangerous situations, relying more on researching the facts to reach a conclusion. Her shop, classes she teaches, raising her niece and a college-age stepson, and her marriage come first. Still, there’s the desire to know what really happened that gets her involved in crimes of all kinds.

Forget Me Never is book 29 in the series. In addition to the China Bayles books, Albert has written The Darling Dahlias, The Cottage Tales, Victorian mysteries, historical novels, nonfiction, novellas, trilogies, and substacks. Visit her website for more details but especially this link https://susanalbert.com/recipes/ for recipes using herbs—like lemon rosemary scones, orange rosemary apple pie, lavender madeleines, and hot lips cookie crisps (habanero warning!)

Albert has enough books and recipes to take you through the rest of the summer and into the holidays. You’ll enjoy every page of the trip.

To enter to win a signed copy of Forget Me Never, simply email KRL at krlcontests@gmail[dot]com by replacing the [dot] with a period, and with the subject line "forget me,” or comment on this article. A winner will be chosen August 3, 2024. US residents only and you must be 18 or older to enter. If entering via email please include your mailing address in case you win. If entering via comment please include your email address so we can contact you. You can read our privacy statement here if you like.

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You can click here to purchase this book.
Sandra Murphy lives in the shadow of the Arch in St. Louis Missouri. She writes about eco-friendly topics, pets and wildlife for magazines and reviews mysteries and thrillers for KRL. A collection of her short stories, published by Untreed Reads, From Hay to Eternity: Ten Tales of Crime and Deception can be found at all the usual outlets. Each one is a little weird and all have a twist you won't see coming.

Disclosure: This post contains links to an affiliate program, for which we receive a few cents if you make purchases. KRL also receives free copies of most of the books that it reviews, that are provided in exchange for an honest review of the book.


  1. This is a series that captures you from the beginning. Wonderful story, great plots and ends with delicious recipes.

  2. Mary Holshouser
    I've kept up with this series thru the years.
    Always a good read. thanks.

  3. With 29 entries, I can't believe I've never read one!

  4. Love the book cover - it is an outstanding beauty! The plot intrigued me very much and I would love to read about a crime in the past that is connected to the present!

  5. New author for me! tWarner419@aol.com

  6. We have a winner!
    Lorie Ham

  7. We have a winner!
    Lorie Ham

  8. I love this series and can't wait to read this installment. 3labsmom(at)gmail(dot)com


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