by Paula Hunsaker
Feral Paws Rescue Group in Fresno shares with us some of their animal rescue adventures every month. Check out KRL's article about Feral Paws to learn more about them.
Approximately eighteen months ago our rescue crossed paths with a very special kitty named Sabrina. At that time, little did I know how many lives Sabrina would touch and bring so much love and friendship between strangers that are now friends for life. All this was due to little Sabrina.
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Our rescue began the journey with Sabrina when we got a phone call from a Sister (Nun) from the Diocese of Fresno. The Sister began to ask about surrendering her calico senior kitty Sabrina that she had since she was a kitten and now fifteen years old. Before going into the fact that we try not to take surrender cats because we focus on shelter cats that will be put down in a few days...well, I began to listen to the Sister’s story. I wanted to know why after having Sabrina for all these years, she was needing to surrender her.
Sabrina |
The Sister began to tell me that one of the hardest things on this earth for her to do was give up her life with Sabrina, how much Sabrina is part of her life, and they lived together in the Sister living quarters of the Diocese of Fresno. But it happened that she was being moved to another Diocese out of the area, and this other Diocese didn’t allow pets. My heart broke hearing her story and knowing in her heart this was one of the hardest things she had ever done. She went on to say that if our rescue agreed to take Sabrina, she wanted to keep Sabrina until the very last day before she had to leave the Diocese and move to the new location. I told the Sister let me think about this before I can agree to take Sabrina. That I would get back to her in a few days with an answer. Little did I know at the time, that this phone call to our rescue would touch so many lives in away that has created so many bonding friendships between the people that cared about Sabrina.
For about a week, this call from the Sister just kept coming up in my thoughts. Something deep in my heart kept telling me I had to find a way to keep this Sister in touch with Sabrina, and to have some kind of contact after Sabrina would come to our rescue. But I was dumbfounded in how I could make this all work out. I then thought about how a gentlemen, Ken from Mariposa, had come to our rescue with his father, Ron, to adopt a cat (they lived next door to each other). They spent hours when they came, just sitting and talking about how much they love cats. I made a phone call to Ken and told him about Sabrina and the Sister’s story. It was a touching story to both men, and Ken agreed to give it a try. I called the Sister and told her I set it up for them to meet at our rescue, before she was to leave to the new Diocese, and talk and see if it was something they both wanted to do for Sabrina.
About three weeks later, they all got together at our rescue. The Sister also had Sabrina with her to surrender to our rescue if this was going to work out. They spent hours talking and Ken being Catholic was a wonderful addition. They could relate in so many ways, that the bond between Sister and Ken and Ron was just amazing. Sabrina was surrendered to our rescue only on paper and re-adopted by Ken on the same day.
For the past eighteen months, Ken has kept in touch with the Sister in photos and updates on how Sabrina has been doing. In return, the Sister has kept in touch with our rescue with photos and updates weekly on how she is doing since Sabrina is with Ken and Ron. Sabrina turned sixteen years old on April 1. Ken made sure to contact the Sister on Sabrina’s Birthday.
On August 26, I got a text message from the Sister: “Guess where I am? I’m spending the weekend with Ken and Shawna. Sabrina was shy at first but was on the bed waiting for me. It was like old times. I got lots of cheek rubs and nudges during the night. Right now, I’m sitting here watching her eat her breakfast. It’s good to see my girl. I can never adequately express to you how grateful I am to you for finding my girl such a wonderful home. She’s treated like a queen.”
This special little Sabrina kitty has touched so many lives...those of strangers whose love of cats brought them together, and now have a friendship for life!
Check out more animal rescue stories in our Pet Perspective section on Kings River Life, and the Pets section here on KRL News & Reviews. Check back every month for another animal rescue adventure from Feral Paws. Advertise in KRL and 10% of your advertising fees can go to a local animal rescue. Learn more about Feral Paws on their website.
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