"Bluegrass Homicide" By Gin Jones: Review/Giveaway

Review by Tracy Condie

Details at the end of this post on how to enter to win an ebook copy of the book and a link to purchase it.

Oh dear, what has Jess Walker gotten herself into? The second book of the Bourbon B&B Mysteries starts with Jess taking the plunge, giving up her partner job at a DC law firm, and moving back home to Kentucky to help her sisters with running the Three Sisters B&B. The B&B has been hired to play host to guests of the prestigious Rackhouse Stables during its annual fall event. Jess doesn’t know the first thing about horses or dressage, and her sisters seem to be AWOL at the most inopportune times. Turns out Em has good reason to be off property because she is busy checking on her horse, Joe, at the Rackhouse Stables and finding Doc Cannon the local and trusted vet, dead in her horse’s stall.

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Image Source Gemma Halliday
Em feels strongly that this is murder and wants her sisters to rally together and find the killer. This sounds like another item to add to Jess’s ever growing list of things to take care of. You cannot help but empathize with Jess as she tries to be the supportive and helpful big sister. She has moments when she questions her somewhat emotional decision to move back home to be a part of her sisters’ and nephew’s lives. She compiled a list of plusses and minuses to make the decision. On the plus side was also the handsome owner of Hill’s Barrels, Reed Hill, who says all the right things and seems to really want to embark on a romantic relationship but is as busy as Jess.

There are so many viable suspects, yet the Sheriff, who cares more about his reelection than getting to the truth, says that it was an unfortunate accident, and no one wants to sully the good doctor’s name if he happened to be drinking on the job and accidentally injected himself. The funny thing is, the vet was a teetotaler. Suspects include Dr. Daniel Penkin, the young veterinarian partner and heir-apparent to the practice. Em says that there is no way that Daniel could be the killer. She goes on to recite his charming qualities, which is completely out of character for Em who has sworn off men professionally and personally. Em is emphatic that the sisters must once again do what they can to solve a murder. Jess gets the others to agree to put off sleuthing until the event weekend comes to a close but that doesn’t mean they can’t work on the situation if an opportunity presents itself.

Jess and her sisters make a great team as inn keepers, sisters, and sleuths. Their comradery and care for each other will keep you hooked as you learn more and more about each personality. Who would have guessed that the rough and tumble CJ was a wiz with makeup? I like that Ms. Jones has included a neurodiverse character as it speaks to real life, making the characters more than just two-dimensional and the book more than a cute and comfortable cozy. This was an engaging read with plenty of misdirection and entertainment.

To enter to win an ebook copy of Bluegrass Homicide, simply email KRL at krlcontests@gmail[dot]com by replacing the [dot] with a period, and with the subject line "bluegrass,” or comment on this article. A winner will be chosen July 6, 2024. US residents only and you must be 18 or older to enter. If entering via comment please include your email address so we can contact you. You can read our privacy statement here if you like.

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Tracy Condie is a paralegal by day and cozy armchair sleuth by night. When she is not working or reading, she enjoys preparing the recipes found in culinary cozies or researching recipes of meal items described therein and sharing reviews of both books and food on Instagram and on KRL. She lives in Corona, California with her husband and dog Zoolie, and looks forward to visiting with their grown sons when their time permits.

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